The Big Move
I moved from Colorado to Kentucky in August of 2022. My move to Kentucky was, in its own right, an answer to a sort of midlife crisis. Life in Colorado had started to break down. The Seers stopped going into the studio, opportunities to play local shows were extremely dashed, and my own mind and creativity took a hit from the physical effects of the virus itself. Now more than ever, as many had found, it was time to make a change. The only thing left in Colorado that has stayed strong and continues to do so is the Brian David Collins solo project. This is a musical adventure that will inspire many trips to Colorado in the years to come!
When we first moved to Kentucky in early August I was still numb, didn’t care much about anything. As time passed I began to wake up. Waking up was painful at times, and I had many days where I was unsure what I was going to do with the rest of my days on this planet. There were some long afternoons and dark tea times of the soul at our country home, the kinds of things a person needs to go through to be stronger in the end.
I didn’t wallow for long! Soon after Dana and I began showing our faces at all the local haunts. The areas surrounding Hodgenville Kentucky have more musical opportunities than one might expect. Between us and Louisville, located about an hour north of us, there are several small towns, and I mean really small! In each of these there is at least one place, usually a bar or restaurant, that just might have interest in booking live music.
Pretty soon I was playing a show a week in Hodgenville, Elizabethtown, and Bardstown. I had also picked up some medicines on amazon that were really helping my mind and creativity. Life was coming together, and I began noticing the advantages of living in my new community.
Long about November, at my second show at Bluegrass Tavern, an older gentleman asked me to play some Moody Blues. I took his request, then another, and soon we were talking and sharing a table. His name was Dennis, and as it turned out, he had played drums his whole life in several touring projects.
Before long Dennis and I were playing together every week at his house in Bardstown. We played/play as a duo and with another group currently named The Michael Paul Brothers Band. My life with music was prospering, but what about Dana?
After the new year my wife and I hired a business coach and began writing the plan to a very important business adventure, The Nancy Lincoln Inn! The Nancy Lincoln Inn is an historical building that sits on our property and has been in the family for nearly one hundred years. It never served as a hotel, as one might expect, but rather as a gift shop with four cabins nearby for lodging purposes. Our goal is to reopen the inn as a Kentucky-based artisan store and event venue, a truly unique place on Earth, right at the historical park which is Abraham Lincoln’s birthplace.
Dane and I are now happy as clams in the heartland, with bees, chickens and a whole lot of land for us and our dogs! We are happy we made this choice!