The Coming Month
In the coming month I will continue to play shows for Kate at Bluegrass Tavern, Randy & Sherl at Honest Abe’s, Charly and Tiana at Water’s Edge Winery and Gary and Dianne down there at The Golden Rod Tavern. I am very grateful for the positive reception I have been getting for my music, and I want it to continue. My goal is to keep reaching out and expanding, while playing the best shows I feel I can play with variety, creativity, but most importantly, familiarity.
I will continue to play with Dennis each week, and even if we don’t play out, we are becoming friends and sometimes it’s fun just to get together and play. I also may play another show with local guitarist/vocalist Keith Vittitow, more to be announced.
I have also begun another musical adventure with local performer/song writer Joe Morgan. He has a country/grunge sort of Chris Stapleton meets Eddy Vetter style, very original and an interesting project to become a part of.
Most importantly I am going to make time for creativity each day. I have been writing again and for this I am grateful beyond belief! I live in a new community, and there are a lot of musicians that are excited about what I can do with my musical ear, but I need to protect myself and my song writing too. Without that I am not a complete person, as anyone who knows me can tell you. It’s good to be open minded, but as my sister said, “don’t save face, protect your ass.” Oh it’s been so long, I don’t even know if that is verbatim anymore. Anyhow, that’s about all I have to say for now, thanks for reading and we’ll see you all next month!